Frequently Asked Questions

Stacks of steel

Have questions about our inventory, delivery options, or how to get started on your project? Check out our FAQ below. And if you can’t find what you’re looking for, reach out to us by phone or email and we’ll be happy to help.

Questions About Shipping & Delivery

Do you ship to states outside of Texas?

Eagle National Steel currently does not ship products, but if you need steel and metal building supplies within a 300-mile radius of our steel yard in Hutchins, TX, we can typically deliver your materials to you in person. If you need your materials shipped further, our specialists will happily refer you to a carrier.

Do you deliver?

If you need steel and metal building supplies within 300 miles of our steel yard in Hutchins, TX, we can typically deliver your materials to you in person.

Do you ship outside of the United States?

Eagle National Steel currently does not ship products, but if you need steel and metal building supplies within a 300-mile radius of our steel yard in Hutchins, TX, we can typically deliver your materials to you in person. If you need your materials shipped further, our specialists will happily refer you to a carrier.

Where are you located?

Our showroom and steel yard is located at 540 Skyline Drive, Hutchins, TX 75141. It’s just south of Dallas on I-45, two miles south of I-20. When you come to our location, you’ll be met with a friendly atmosphere and an office filled with desks rather than counters, so you can sit down and talk […]

What are your hours of operation?

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-Noon You can always shoot us an email during our off-hours, and one of our helpful associates will get back to you promptly.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept checks, wire transfers, and the following credit cards: Visa Mastercard Discover American Express

General Steel Questions

What are the basic steel products I’ll need to get started on a project?

Choosing the right steel can be complex, but there are some basic essentials: Structural Steel, Purlins, Metal Building Accessories, and Technical Documents + Material Safety Data Sheets. Stop in and let’s get building!

What are the must-have welding supplies for beginners?

Exciting! Buying your first welder is a rite of passage. Everything you’ll need: Safety equipment, a wire brush, measuring tools, clamps, and an angle grinder. Stop in and let’s get building!

Is it really necessary to have my steel cut professionally?

We have a massive inventory of steel products and accessories. And we also have the ability to cut your steel on site to the perfect size you need. But is that necessary? For larger jobs, yes. If you need a super-smooth, more accurate cut, yes. Think of it like this: If it’s a cut or […]

What is the difference between hot rolled and cold rolled rounds?

Hot rolled rounds are formed through a process where the steel is pressed at temperatures above its recrystallization threshold. Choose these for manufacturing, repairs, and general fabrication. Cold rolled rounds offer a smooth surface finish and close dimensional accuracy. Choose these for enhanced mechanical properties and increased machinability.

What are the best welding gloves?

Pro tip: Always try on welding gloves before purchasing them. Look for these 5 things when doing so: Ensure the gloves aren’t too big or too small. Get the right protection you need for the job you’re doing. Understand the materials available. Decide on if you like straps or not, and stick with it. Get […]

How do I know if I should go with steel for a roof?

No matter the structure – a home, a shed, some other building – a steel roof is tried and true. It’s easy and fast to install, sustainable, as well as resistant to moss, mildew, and fungus. If roofing that is durable and long-lasting is what you’re after, then Eagle National Steel is what you’re after.

Questions About Our Inventory

What kinds of purlin do you carry?

We have a massive inventory, stocked with C and Z Purlins of all sizes. Call us for a quote or stop in to browse our selection today.

What kinds of structural beams do you carry?

So glad you asked! We have a large selection of structural steel, including robust offerings of S Beams and Wide Flange Beams. Our stock includes S, I, W, and H beams to ensure all uses and applications are covered.

What types of structural steel tubing do you have in stock?

Absolutely! Currently, we’re stocking plenty of square, rectangular, and painted tubing. If there’s something you need that we don’t have, just request it and we’ll track it down.

What size dimensions are your culverts cut?

We carry galvanized culverts in 6″, 8″, 10″, 12″, 15″, 18″, 24″, 30″ and 36″ diameters, all in a variety of lengths. We’ll be happy to help you with any size you need.

What is alloy steel?

Now we’re getting technical! The American Iron and Steel Institute identifies four general categories that all steel falls into: Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, Stainless Steel, and Tool Steel. Carbon steel is almost entirely iron, with usually no more than about 2% carbon or other alloying ingredients. Alloy steel may feature a much higher concentration of […]

What causes steel defects?

In a word, porosity. Small holes, or voids, in the steel caused by subpar welding leads to a weaker steel beam or rod. Also, improper heating and mechanical stress can lead to cracks in the steel, which result in defects. But don’t worry. We’re here every step of your project to ensure only the best […]

Our Portfolio

ENS is proud to have partnered with teams on various projects across the nation, with several of our most valued collaborations happening right here at home. From growing the Dallas-Fort Worth skyline to helping develop the cultural hubs that make this city great, we have what it takes to help with any project, no matter how big.

AT&T Stadium

Home of the NFL’s Dallas Cowboys, the Cotton Bowl Classic, the Big 12 Championship, and the Southwest Classic, AT&T Stadium is a state-of-the-art sports and entertainment venue. And we are thrilled to have taken part in its development.

American Airlines Center

We also partnered with the American Airlines Center, a multipurpose indoor arena located in the Victory Park neighborhood in Downtown Dallas, during its developmental stages. Today, it’s the official home to the NHL’s Dallas Stars and the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks.

Dallas Zoo

Home to more than 2,000 animals representing 406 species, the Dallas Zoo is 106 acres of captivating biodiversity. Teaming with the zoo to provide steel construction, we helped build the exhibit structures harboring the wildlife encounters memories are made of.

Our full portfolio is a testament to durability, precision, and customer excellence. Read all about all the projects that have helped us forge a legacy as strong as steel.